Daniel de la Barra
The Vengeance of the Cacique I: Rapture of Europe

Sep 18, 2024 – Nov 24, 2024

La Venganza del Cacique was conceived from the development of a fable about the Cacique Lomiamarillo, an Amazonian bird whose main characteristic is to falsify the sound of more than two hundred birds. In this fable, the cacique is killed by explorers and resurrected five hundred years later, freeing himself from his body, which is subject to the laws of physical space. As he did in life, by imitating hundreds of songs, he decides to take his revenge by falsifying history. He embarks on a journey to alter the myth of European modernity in order to avoid the death of his family and the destruction of his home. 
It addresses the infinite potential of the imagination as a regenerative force, challenging the power structures that relegate nature to a space of exploitation and domination. It exposes the multiple masks of the narrative of exploration and progress in the face of ecological devastation.


Brus Rubio
Viaje de abundancia

Sep 18, 2024 – Nov 24, 2024

In “Viaje de abundancia”, Brus Rubio Churay (Pucaurquillo, Loreto, 1983) is inspired by the Fiesta de la palmera Pijuayo, celebrated by the Bora people where the artist belongs. Brus grew up and currently lives on the banks of the Ampiyacu River, near the mouth of the Amazon; perhaps it is also because of its waters that the guests at the festival sail on gigantic tobacco leaves, the sacred plant, or on large trunks from which different palm trees sprout. The characters share their animal essence with the condition of a person, a way of perceiving the world typical of Amerindian indigenous cultures. It is almost a magical journey, which the painter imagines “full of many universes; of songs and sounds of all the beings of nature”. A concert that celebrates life.

Gredna Landolt


Sandra Gamarra Heshiki
"Pinacoteca Migrante" at the Spanish Pavilion in the 60th Venice Biennale

April 20 – November 24, 2024

The artist Sandra Gamarra will occupy the Spanish Pavilion with her project “Pinacoteca Migrante / Migrant Art Gallery”. As the first migrant chosen to represent Spain, Gamarra sees the museum as a narrator of great stories, which utilizes representation methods understood as “universal”.

Accompanied by the curator Agustín Pérez Rubio, the artist will transform the Spanish Pavilion into a historic gallery of Western art where the notion of “migration”, in its many facets, will be the protagonist. The Western concept of the art gallery, which was exported to the former colonies, is inverted, exposing a series of historically silenced narratives. Thus, “Migrant Art Gallery” responds to accessibility, diversity and sustainability within an institutional framework and inserts contemporary contexts in relation to racism, migration or extractivism. The protagonists are the migrants, both human and not.

Our represented artists in Phaidon’s “Latin American Artists: From 1785 to Now”

We are proud to announce the participation of Fernando Bryce, Sandra Gamarra, Ximena Garrido-Lecca, Andrés Pereira Paz, Rita Ponce de León and Oscar Santillán in Phaidon publication “308 Latinamerican Artists from 1785 to now”.


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