Brussels: To craft and to name. Creating ways to relate to each other
Group Show
Press release
In Peru, as in many other post-pandemic contexts, the sense of urgency towards understanding the various crises our planet faces has been stressed after a global health emergency. This difficult extended period has proven how many risks of our own making we face; How difficult it is to make sense of them and feel them as ours beyond the daily anxiety that apocalyptic semantics of crisis causes us. Facing very particular categories of political, economic, climate and social crises in the last five years, many Peruvian artists have attempted to make sense of the emergency process. They have done so by crafting semantic utopias through writing and material experimentation or announcing the end of times through readings of speculative understandings of contemporary societies. Both strategies’ heart lies in a linguistic desire and needs to recraft ways to relate to each other. To make sense of each other’s crisis contexts, keep each other company on either the route to the end of times or in the arduous labour of crafting different futures.
Giselle Girón
Giselle Girón
Brussels: To craft and to name. Creating ways to relate to each other

José Vera Matos
Handwritten transcription of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s book “A thousand Plateaus”, 2022
Stylographs on cotton paper
65 x 50 cm

Jimena Chávez Delion
“Me detuve aquí por un momento y seguí”, 2022
Plastic watch straps, cables and stainless steel
183 x 134 x 5 cm

Ximena Garrido-Lecca