Exhibition »Invasive Exotics« by Marco Pando at WUNDERKAMMER NATURALIA ⎥ ARTIFICIALIA


How to erase language with invasive plants after the Bauhaus, 2022-ongoing project
Glass, metal, and lead, Size variable

“The members of the Bauhaus spread their ideas across the world to radiate new ways of life. Colonizers took advantage of the construction of new cities to change the lives of the colonized by mostly erasing traditional lifestyles. The new constructions behaved like invasive plants. An invasive plant has the ability to thrive and spread aggressively outside its native range. A naturally aggressive plant may be specially invasive when it is introduced to a new habitat.

Glass is being used to construct an open futuristic city, which plays with the idea of toxic and savage architecture. It´s a translation of the structure of the invasive plants into the building style of the Bauhaus. The shapes and compositions of the plants turn into architectonic constructions that create an invasive architecture that expands and spreads…”
Source: https://www.instagram.com/wuka_naturalia_artificialia/

Opening: 22nd Feb. 2025, 7pm
Program: 7:30pm Artist Talk Marco Pando
8.00pm Artist Talk Juli Gebhardt
Duration: 23rd Feb. to 18th April 2025
Opening Hours: 24/7
Address: Badstraße 32, 70372 Stuttgart
Info: Free admission and barrier-free

Source: https://www.akademie-solitude.de/en/news/marco-pando-in-der-wunderkammer/

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